NPM: 12213741
NPM: 12213741
Indirect speech (kalimat tak langsung)
adalah kalimat yang mengatakan atau melaporkan kembali
ucapan seseorang tanpa mengubah maksud atau isi si pembicara. Indirect speech bisa juga disebut
reported speech ( kalimat yang dilaporkan).
ucapan seseorang tanpa mengubah maksud atau isi si pembicara. Indirect speech bisa juga disebut
reported speech ( kalimat yang dilaporkan).
1. Dalam
indirect speech, “the past continuous tense” yang digunakan dengan when clause
tidak mengalami perubahan.
tidak mengalami perubahan.
2. Dalam
British English, penulisan tanda kutip menggunakan tanda kutip satu (‘ ‘),
sedangkan dalam American English, penulisannya menggunakan tanda kutip dua (“ “).
sedangkan dalam American English, penulisannya menggunakan tanda kutip dua (“ “).
3. ‘should’
yang digunakan dengan I dan We (British) mempunyai arti akan bukan
sebaliknya. ‘should’ berubah menjadi would dalam indirect speech.
sebaliknya. ‘should’ berubah menjadi would dalam indirect speech.
a) He said,
‘ I should be happy.’ à He said that he would be happy
b) He said,
‘I shall be happy.’ à He said that he would be happy
4. Untuk
suatu pernyataan yang benar secara universal. Kita dapat menggunakan the simple
present tense dalam noun clause.
present tense dalam noun clause.
a) He said
that the sun rises in the east.
b) He said
that the sun rose in the east.
Jika introductory verb atau kata kerja dalam klausa utama dalam bentuk the
present, the present perfect atau the dimple future tense, maka dalam indirect speech tidak
mengalami perubahan.
present, the present perfect atau the dimple future tense, maka dalam indirect speech tidak
mengalami perubahan.
a) He says
that he is trying to work carefully.
b) She has
said that she will never be late again.
Tense yang
harus diperhatikan dalam pola ini adalah:
1 1.
Simple Past
Simple Past Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
perbuatan atau kegiatan yang terjadi dimasa lampau dan waktu terjadinya
persitiwa itu telah diketahui.Rumus Kalimat Verbal :
positif : Subject + Verb 2 + Object
negatif : Subject + DID NOT (DIDN'T) + Verb 1 + Object
tanya : DID + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?
Contoh :
1. He bought a book yesterday.(dia membeli sebuah buku kemarin)
2. He didn't buy a book yesterday.(dia tidak membeli sebuah buku kemarin)
3. Did he buy a book yesterday?(apakah dia membeli sebuah buku kemarin?)
2. Past
Continuous tense
Past Continuous Tense
mengungkapkan tindakan di masa lalu yang sedang berlangsung. tindakan kadang
dapat juga disela oleh sesuatu. bentuk tenses bahasa inggris ini disebut juga
Past Progressive Tense. Past continuous Tense ini dibentuk dengan bantuan “to
be” kata kerja, dalam bentuk lampau, ditambah dengan present participle dari
kata kerja (dengan-ing akhir).Rumus Kalimat Nominal :
positif : Subject + To be(was/were) + Non Verb + Object
negatif : Subject + To be(was/were) + NOT + Non Verb + Object
tanya : To be(was/were) + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
contoh :
(+) He was sick last Sunday.(Dia sakit hari minggu kemarin)
(-) He was Not Sick last Sunday. (Dia tidak sakit hari minggu kemarin)
(?) Was he sick last Sunday? (Apakah dia sakit hari minggu kemarin?)
pada kalimat nominal tidak digunakan verb, melainkan menggunakan adverb, adjective, etc.
"Was" dipakai apabila subjek nya I, He, She, It
"Were" dipakai jika subjek nya You, They, We
Positif (+)
Subject + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
- was/were + subject + verb-ing + object ?
Contoh kalimat:
He was sleeping when I came (+)
- Dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang
He was not sleeping when I came (-)
- Dia tidak sedang tidur ketika saya datang
Was he sleeping when I came ?
- apakah dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang ?
I was working all night yesterday(+)
- saya sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin
I was not working all night yesterday (-)
- Saya tidak sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin
were you working all night yesterday ?
- Apakah kamu sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin ?
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan
peristiwa yang terjadi dimasa lampau dan terus berlangsung ataupun selesai
dimasa lampau berikutnya.Rumus dari Past Perfect Tense dalam bentuk verbal:
(+) S + had + V3
(-) S + had + not + V3
(?) Had + S + V3
Contoh Kalimat Verbal Past Perfect Tense:
(+) She had helped her mother after she played a game.
(-) She had not helped her mother after she played a game.
(?) Had she helped her mother after she played a game?
Rumus Past Perfect Tense dalam bentuk nominal:
(+) S + had + been + Adjective / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + had + not + been + Adjective / Noun / Adverb
(?) Had + S + been + Adjective / Noun / Adverb ?
Contoh Kalimat Nominal Past Perfect Tense:
(+) They had been at Grage Mall since morning.
(-) They had not been at Grage Mall since morning.
(?) Had they been at Grage Mall since morning?
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) telah
selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu.
Rumus :
1. Positif (+)
Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object
2. Negatif (-)
Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object
3. Tanya (?)
Had + subject + been + object ?
1. Positif (+)
Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object
2. Negatif (-)
Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object
3. Tanya (?)
Had + subject + been + object ?
He had been living in Jakarta about ten years (+)
- Dia telah sedang tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years (-)
- dia belum tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? (?)
- apakah dia telah tinggal di Jakarta selamat 10 tahun ?
He had been living in Jakarta about ten years (+)
- Dia telah sedang tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years (-)
- dia belum tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? (?)
- apakah dia telah tinggal di Jakarta selamat 10 tahun ?
5. Past Future Tense/Conditional
Untuk menyatakan suatu
perbuatan/peristiwa yang akan terjadi diwaktu lampau
subject + WOULD + verb 1
Example 1: She would not be at school tomorrow.
Example 2 : I would not be go to the party tonight
subject + WOULD + verb 1
Example 1: She would not be at school tomorrow.
Example 2 : I would not be go to the party tonight
6. Past Future Continuous Tense
(Conditional Continuous)
Untuk menyatakan
suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan sedang berlangsung
atau akan sedang dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
subject + WOULD + BE + V - ing
subject + WOULD + BE + V - ing
Example 1 :
We would be having dinner at home yesterday.
Example 2 :
They would be going to school this morning
7. Conditional
Conditional 1
1. IF + S + Present Tense, S + Future Tense
Contoh :
- If it doesn’t rain, I will go shopping.
Real Condition : It will probably rain or not,
Conditional 1
1. IF + S + Present Tense, S + Future Tense
Contoh :
- If it doesn’t rain, I will go shopping.
Real Condition : It will probably rain or not,
so I will probably go shopping or not.
Conditional 2
2. If + S + Past Tense, S + Past Future
Contoh :
-If you came home earlier, I would make you a cake
Real Condition : You don’t come home earlier,
Conditional 2
2. If + S + Past Tense, S + Past Future
Contoh :
-If you came home earlier, I would make you a cake
Real Condition : You don’t come home earlier,
So I don’t make a cake for you.
Conditional 3
3. If + s + Past Perfect, S + Future Past Perfect
Contoh :
- If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam.
Real condition : you didn’t study hard, so you didn’t pass the exam
3. If + s + Past Perfect, S + Future Past Perfect
Contoh :
- If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam.
Real condition : you didn’t study hard, so you didn’t pass the exam
tenses pada direct dan inderect speech
- S. Present → S. Past
- Present Continuous → Past Continuous Tense
- Present Perfect → Past Perfect →Past Perfect Cont
- Present Perfect Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous →Tetap
- S. Future → Past Future
- Future Continuous → Past Future Continuous →Past F Perfect C
- Future Perfect → Past Future Perfect →Tetap
- Future Perfect Continuous → Past Future Perfect Continuous →Tetap
Perubahan uxialiary
1. Will/
Shall →Would/ Should
2. Can
3. May
4. Must
→Had to
5. Have
to/ Has to →Had to
6. Could
→Could have
7. Might
→Might have
Perubahan Waktu dan tempat
1. Now
2. Yesterday
→The day before
3. Last
week →The week before
4. Two
days ago →Two days before
5. Today
→That day
6. Tommorrow
→The following day/ next day
7. Next
month →The following month
8. Here
9. This
10. These
1. Sekarang → Lalu/ kemudian
2. Kemarin → Sehari sebelum
3. Pekan lalu → Seminggu sebelum
4. Dua hari yang lalu → Dua hari
5. Hari ini → Hari itu
6. Besok → Hari berikutnya / hari
7. Bulan depan → Bulan berikutnya
8. Disini → Disana
9. ini (tunggal) →Itu
10. Ini (jamak) → Itu (jamak)
INDIRECT dibagi menjadi 3 macam :
1. Statement (Pernyataan)
2. Question
3. Command (Perintah)
1. Statement
: kata penghubungnya (conjuntion) “THAT’’
D : She says, “I am a student”
ID : She says that she is a student.
b. D : Ina has said to him, “I miss you”
ID : Ina has said to him
that she misses him.
2. Question
*) Introgative →Conjuntion ‘If or
D : Ani asks him, “Do you know my dictionary ?’’
ID : Ani asks him if he knows her
b. D : He asked me, “Can you help me
to carry my bag ?”
ID : He asked me if I could help him to
carry his bag.
*) Question Word →Conjuntion
“Question word’’ itu sendiri
D : Rina asks her mother, “Where is my hat ?’’
ID : Rina asks her mother where her hat is.
b. D
: The boy asked her, “How many cards will we buy for our friends ?”
ID : The boy asked her if
how many cards they would buy for their friends.
3.Command (perintah)
*) Negative Command “not to’’
*) Positive Command
D : He said to her, “Don’t come late !’’
ID : He suggested her not
to come late.
b. D : She asks me, “Please mail my letter
ID : She asks me to mail
her letter.
D : They asked him, “Don’t be lazzy to face your future !”
ID : They asked him not to be lazzy to face
his future.
d. D : Father asked us, “Do what I do !”
ID :
Father asked us to do what he did.